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Tracy is a Forest Therapy Guide, a practice that is consistently informing her work supporting the grieving and the dying. It is rooted in the knowing that we are and have always been nature.


Forest Therapy is the experience of coming together, slowing down, and tuning in to ourselves, each other, and the More Than Human World. Tracy offers a 3 hour experience at local parks on the North Shore of Vancouver once a month. These walks are not strenuous, they are accessible to all and are no longer that 1-2 kms. Everyone is welcome.


In addition to supporting her End of Life Doula clients with this practice, Tracy has facilitated Forest Therapy walks for the general public through word of mouth, and she is also the resident Forest Bathing Guide at Lynn Canyon Ecology Center in North Vancouver where she has guided walks for the past two years. She has also led walks for neurodivergent children, as studies have proven great benefit of this practice for these young people. Tracy’s calm demeanour, warmth, and gentle nature serves to create a solid container that encourages connection.​


A Forest Therapy experience may evoke wonder, joy, and grief may surface too. Forest Therapy supports connection to the body and a sense of self-love, as well as the renewal of a lost relationship to More Than Human Beings. Each walk is a ceremony of forgiveness. It is not always easy to put this embodied experience into words.


Forest Therapy is a creative process whereby people can actively participate in their own storytelling. The tame world story is the dominant narrative — it has been offered as a way of maintaining social stability at the cost of wholeness and connection. We have been tamed through a long history of over culture, however, this story of separation is not the only story, there was something that came before the world was tamed. Forest Therapy serves to connect us with this story from the past, from a time when people lived in deeper connection with each other and with the natural world.​​​​​​​

forest therapy
Forest Therapy supports these Wild World Stories:
  • All things are interconnected

  • Life and death are bound in an endless cycle and are equally important

  • Impermanence is a prerequisite for growth

  • There is no moral right and wrong, there is only what is

  • Things are not always as they seem

  • All beings are related

  • We are bodies first and foremost

  • We are enough just as we are

  • The heart has wisdom that the mind cannot always understand

  • All living beings have their own sort of perception and experience, and such ways have their own integrity and value

  • All things rest

  • Progress is not always linear

  • There are things that exist beyond what we are capable of intellectually understanding

  • Suffering is a fundamental part of being alive

  • There is no meaning in the universe apart from the reality of being in a relationship with everything around us

  • And others

Are you curious about Forest Therapy? Come join Tracy in the forest!
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